Semetis is the first Belgian agency to be a Hub’Scan certified partner.

Hub’Scan is a digital analytics quality assurance platform that aims to automate the process of tag audits, quality control & data validation.

Hub Scan certified partner

“We believe there are a number of factors why Quality Assurance is a market we’re willing to invest in. First of all - as marketing automation is becoming a cornerstone of modern digital marketing & advertising efforts, it's important to have a gatekeeper that secures these data streams. After all, invalid inputs only lead to marketing automation failures & without monitoring mechanisms it can take days to discover that the campaigns aren’t actually delivering what they’re supposed to. Imagine remarketing campaigns that rely on feeds. If the values being sent through don’t match the feed, the whole system is down. A second reason is that digital analytics now sits at the core of decision making for a lot of companies for who digital brings business. Failing infrastructures lead to the inability to make decisions, or worse, wrong decisions if the decision makers aren’t aware their infrastructure has been incapacitated & no longer provides actual input. Third and last - as automated machine learning solutions & models developed within Google Cloud & Amazon Web Services are being adopted, it’s important to make sure these models are ingesting valid & correctly formatted data points. If we’re going to feed wrong elements into these solutions, the output upon which we’re acting itself is completely off. Hub’Scan will help us ensure our digital data streams & pipelines are not only up & running but also that the contents they’re shipping is what we’re expecting. ” - Glenn Vanderlinden

Established in 2009 with an initial focus on performance marketing, Semetis has become the Belgian market leader in data-driven digital marketing. Semetis specializes in building state of the art digital marketing & tracking infrastructures that allow advertisers, brands & organizations to not only optimize & automate their marketing efforts across the acquisition & retention funnels, but also to improve their assets through product measurement & development cycles.

