1. Introduction

Some say code is eating the world, others say it’s data that’s eating our planet. Whatever the perspective, one thing is for sure - API’s are at the center of it all.

API’s or Application Programming Interfaces allow third party applications to interact, communicate and pass information back and forth between applications. In our example we will be using the Google Analytics API in order to access Google Analytics data through R Studio. R Studio is basically an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the statistical programming language R. IDE’s typically are more user-centric and allow programmers or analysts to facilitate their interactions with the programming language itself. In the case of R Studio the IDE provides a clear overview of the packages you have at your disposal, a clear split between the different environments is provided and a difference between the script field and the console. These are only a few examples of R Studio’s capabilities.

Now that you know what R Studio is about a more important questions might come up. Why would you even use a complex programming language if Google Analytics already provides a clear user interface? Let’s list a few elements that state why using an API in combination with R can be an advantage.


These are merely the advantages of using an API from our perspective. Applications such as Additionly and How We Browse use all kinds of API’s in order to request data and store it in their own database systems for further processing.


Throughout this article we will help you create your first API queries using R. Therefore two main elements need to be addressed. First of all we need to request access through the API. Once this has been completed we can start building our query.

2. Obtaining API credentials

In order to access the Google Analytics API you will need to create a Google Developer account. The following steps will guide you through this process. Please note that this procedure only grants you access to the Google Analytics accounts, properties and views you have access to.




Note that this page mentions which credentials you’ll be needing to use this API. “Accessing user data with OAuth 2.0”.





A JSON file will be downloaded. Open it with a text editor and look for the field "client_secret".

3. Setting up the code in R Studio

Now that we have all authentication credential you are ready to start querying the API through R Studio. The code consists of three main parts. The first part will help you to install the necessary packages.The second part revolves around the actual authentication. The final part will contain the actual queries.


Lines starting with #indicates comments and are inserted to guide the user through the code.


1. Packages: In order to use some of the authentication functions you will need a specific package called “RGoogleAnalytics”. The following code block will help you to install the package and activate it.


#Loading package




2. Authentication: This code block clears your access to the API and ensure you are able to fetch the necessary data points.



#Insert the client id retrieved from the Google developer #console

client.id <- 'XXX'


#Insert the client secret retrieved from the Google developer #console

client.secret <- 'XXX'


#Find the view ID in the view setting page of your Google #Analytics view you wish to query

view.id <- "ga:XXX"


#This code block verifies if the token has been created

#during a previous query. If so it will reuse it.

if (!file.exists("./token")) {

token <- Auth(client.id,client.secret)

token <- save(token,file="./token")

} else {






3. Query building: This section will allow you to build you custom queries using the fields “metrics” and “dimensions”. Use the Google developer metrics and dimensions explorer to create the combination of data points your analysis requires. Note that not all theoretical combinations are available as some data points can not be crossed.




#Query List

#Example given on dates
start.date <- "2015-01-01"
end.date <- "2015-12-31"

query.list2 <- Init(start.date = start.date,

end.date = end.date,

dimensions = "ga:transactionId,ga:dimension2,ga:dimension3,ga:dimension4",

metrics = "ga:transactionRevenue,ga:transactions",

max.results = 1000,

table.id = view.id)


ga.query <- QueryBuilder(query.list2)

ga.data <- GetReportData(ga.query, token, paginate_query = T)



Mind the “paginate_query = T” element. Adding this to your query will ensure that all queries that return over 1000 lines of results will be retrieved. This is handled by batching the query. A short example - If your query would return 10.000 lines or results your results will be retrieved in 10 batches of each 1.000 lines.


The result of this query will be stored in the variable “ga.data” in the form of a data frame. The data is ready to be sliced and visualised. Now you’re set to start your analysis!


Author: Glenn Vanderlinden
